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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 15, 2013 12:35am-1:35am EST

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♪ we both we both know our know our ♪ ♪ own limitations and that's why we're strong ♪ ♪ now that we spent some time apart we're leading each other out of the dark ♪ ♪ 'cause we both know we both know ♪ >> thank you! gavin degraw, everyone. >> colbie caillat, everybody. >> jay: thank you, guys. nice job. nice job, guys. thank you. hey, i want to thank my guests -- jarod miller, timothy olyphant, and, of course, colbie caillat, gavin degraw.
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tomorrow night, kathy griffin. but "jimmy fallon" right now. jimmy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac --
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, everybody. welcome. that's a great new york city crowd, right there. welcome, everybody, to "late night with jimmy fallon." oh, my gosh. what a show we have tonight. have a great show. fun one tonight. hey, guys. today was valentine's day. and if you just found that out, that's why you're in trouble. [ laughter ] speaking of valentine's day, though, ikea -- did you hear about this? they are promising to give couples a free crib if they have a baby exactly nine months after valentine's day. [ light laughter ] yeah. getting a free crib is both a great way to save money and the worst "how you were born" story. [ light laughter ] "my parents wanted this crib." did you guys hear about this? taylor swift's ex-boyfriend connor kennedy was arrested yesterday for handcuffing himself to the white house gate to bring attention to climate change.
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yeah, he's bummed about the arrest, but he's glad to attach himself to something that won't write a song about him. [ laughter ] in one way, it's good -- [ applause ] guys, we have bruce willis on the show tonight. [ cheers and applause ] that's fun. that's my man. he stars in "a good day to die hard," which i just found out is both an action movie and viagra's new slogan. [ laughter ] >> steve: four hours, call a doctor. >> jimmy: it's all about synergy, man. synergy. some major business news. today, american airlines announced its $11 billion merger with u.s. airways to create the world's largest airline. well, $11 billion and five if they want a set of headphones. this is interesting. scientists have discovered a species of fish that surrounds itself with uglier fish in order to look more attractive. [ laughter ] however, scientists could not identify which sorority it belongs to. they haven't --
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[ laughter and applause ] and finally, a man in georgia was just arrested for stealing a krispy kreme doughnut truck and leading police on a high-speed chase. [ laughter ] >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: the police charged him with one count of grand theft irony. we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have the must fun show on television tonight. he is a giant, giant movie star. he's back with a new "die hard" movie. bruce willis is here tonight! [ cheers and applause ] plus, she is one of my favorite human beings on the planet. she's always so funny, always so charming, always so pretty. molly shannon is stopping by tonight. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: wonderful. >> jimmy: everyone loves her. and we got some great music from
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rapper trinidad james. [ cheers and applause ] he's going to be great tonight. it's good stuff. hey, guys, it's time for "late night hashtags." here we go. ♪ hashtags, hashtags hashtags, hashtags hashtags ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. these are lists on twitter where we give you the topic and you send in the tweets. so, because it's valentine's day, i went on twitter and started a hashtag called "awkward date." and i asked you guys at home to tweet out a weird, funny or embarrassing story about an awkward date that you've been on. we got thousands of tweets. in fact, within 20 minutes, it was a trending topic in the u.s., which is awesome. so, thank you for those tweets, and now, i thought i'd share some of my favorite awkward date tweets from you guys. here we go. this first one is from @hopefulgirl365. [ light laughter ] >> steve: it's already sad. >> jimmy: no, no, no. she's hopeful. >> steve: oh, she's hopeful? >> jimmy: she's fine. she's hopeful. >> steve: okay.
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>> jimmy: 365 days a year, she is hopeful. >> steve: she's hopeful all the time. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, nothing to do with valentine's day. [ laughter ] this one's from @hopefulgirl. if she was just girl365, that -- [ laughter ] then i'd be concerned, yeah. >> steve: hopeful implies you're in need of hope. go ahead. hopeful. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, it means you're full of hope, right? >> steve: no. you're wishing for -- you're hoping for things. 365 days a year. not one day she's -- [ laughter ] i'm hopeful things are gonna work out. i'm sorry. love this lady. go ahead. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. she says, "i introduced my date to my family as todd. when we got out to the car, he said, 'my name is tom.'" [ laughter ] sorry about that, ted, i apologize. >> steve: sorry, tim. >> jimmy: this one is from @lizziejen7. she says, "a guy stroked my hair and i said, 'that feels nice,' and he replied, 'yeah, my dog likes it when i do that too.'"
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[ laughter ] that's awkward. >> steve: no. not good. >> jimmy: who's a good girl? >> steve: who's a good girl? fetch. >> jimmy: this one is from @jeffhofmann. he says, "at the end of a first date, i asked if she'd like to go out again. she said she was going to take a break from dating for a while." [ laughter ] when did you decide that? >> steve: i'm good. >> jimmy: this one's from @paulamac23. she says, "he didn't know how to end the date, so he saluted me." [ laughter ] >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: had a great time. >> steve: generally good. >> jimmy: at ease. this one's from is @zacdixon. he says, "i thought she said 'i love you,' so i said it back. i really said, 'i love those pants.' so i said, 'oh yeah, that's what i said, too.'" [ laughter ] "i like your pants too -- your pants on." good cover-up, man. he's quick, that guy. "your pants, too.
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[ stuttering ] i mean the ones you wore the other day." this one's from @liston617. he says, "took a girl to the movies for our first date. heard, 'hey honey' behind us. my mom was at the same movie." [ laughter ] "put your arm around her." >> steve: get me some grandkids. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this from @mischlecht. he says, "in a move theater in ninth grade, my date laid her hand out for me to hold. i gave her a low five." >> steve: ah. [ laughter ] "trying to watch the movie." >> jimmy: "the previews are on!" >> steve: "that was a great scene." >> jimmy: come on, man. this last one's from @richbaillie. he says, "i popped my prom date in the eye with a champagne cork from two feet away." [ audience ohs ] there you have it. those are tonight's "late night hashtags." [ cheers and applause ] to check out more of our favorites, go to hashtags. thank you so much. [ applause ]
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yeah. hey, guy it is valentine's day, sort of. >> audience member: i love you, jimmy. >> jimmy: i love you, too. and i'm in the giving mood. [ cheers and applause ] so, tonight, one lucky audience member will receive a box of godiva belgian chocolates. [ cheers and applause ] all right, everyone, look at your seat number. if i pick your number from this raffle drum, you're going home with some godiva chocolates. >> steve: oh! >> jimmy: here we go. everyone look at your seat number. who wants these chocolates? come on! this is some good stuff. [ cheers and applause ] [ drum roll ] [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh, my gosh! >> jimmy: the lucky seat number
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is -- this has never happened. seats 1 to 347. everybody's getting the chocolate! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ happy valentine's day! we'll be right back with "models and buckets"! come on back -- [ cheers and applause ] ♪ want to know what i did in the last five hours? i disproved the theory of relativity. i mastered origami while beating the record for hacky sack. found bigfoot. swam the english channel. and then i swam back. and then i took the dogs for a walk. how do i do all of this? 5-hour energy. hours of energy now with no crash later. andale!
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legs up, legs up, legs up ! red hot deal days are back. let nothing stop you. good job ! it's red hot deal days. get the nokia lumia 822 in red for free and discover all the things to do on the go with city lens.
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or the droid razr m by motorola in pink for $49.99. everything droid does in an edge-to-edge display. hurry in, because the sale ends february 20th. powerful devices. powerful network. verizon. using night-vision goggles to keep an eye on my spicy buffalo wheat thins. who's gonna take your wheat thins? i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot. could you get the light? [ loud crash ] what is going on?! honey, i was close! it's a yeti! [ male announcer ] must! have! wheat thins!
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investors could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401(k) to hidden fees. is that what you're looking for, like a hidden fee in your giant mom bag? maybe i have them... oh that's right i don't because i rolled my account over to e-trade where... woah. okay... they don't have hidden fees... hey fern. the junk drawer? why would they... is that my gerbil? you said he moved to a tiny farm. that's it, i'm running away. no, no you can't come! [ male announcer ] e-trade. less for us. more for you.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] you guys look like you're ready to play a game of intense competition and fabulous prizes. it's time for the game everyone's talking about. bus drivers, dog walkers, pharmacists, glass blowers, pope candidates, everyone is talking about it. [ light laughter ] it's time for a special valentine's day edition of "models and buckets." ♪ models and models and models in buckets ♪ >> jimmy: that's right, it's time for the game everyone has been talking about. >> i. >> love. >> models. >> and buckets. >> jimmy: everybody. [ laughter ] so let's get started. let's bring out models and those buckets. whoa, whoa, whoa. hi -- hi, models.
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>> all: hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: you guys have any special valentine's day plans? [ all talking at once ] >> jimmy: all right, very good. as you can see, we have 12 beautiful models with 12 beautiful buckets for our contestants to choose from. whatever bucket they pick will be dumped on their head but one of these buckets contains $100. [ cheers and applause ] let's meet our contestants. come on over, guys. ♪ nice to see you, man. step over. >> thank you. >> jay: hey, pal. good to see you. what is your name and where are you from? >> i'm brian from boston. >> jimmy: hey, good man, brian. [ cheers ] welcome to the show, buddy. >> thank you. >> jimmy: we love boston. what is your name? >> my name is matthew seth baker from california. >> jimmy: matthew seth baker. [ applause ] one of those three-name guys. [ light laughter ] yeah, yeah. all right, guys. you know how the game works here. you have to pick a bucket number and then one of our models will dump that bucket on your head. first, let's find out what's in some of today's buckets. higgins? >> steve: well, jimmy, today we have red jell-o, rose petals,
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cherry syrup, crushed candy hearts, pepto-bismol, ben & jerry's late night snack ice cream or $100. >> jimmy: wow. >> steve: jimmy. >> jimmy: wow. the tension, the tension. all right. contestant number one, you are up first. audience, help him out. what number should he pick? [ audience yelling ] >> i'll go -- i'll go with 4. >> jimmy: you're going to go with 4. all right. i'm talking about tessa! ♪ tessa >> jimmy: tessa, feels like that bucket is light. give him that $100. oh! [ audience ohs ] bummer. [ sad tuba ] well, thank you, tessa. sorry about that. >> it's not $100. >> jimmy: that's not $100. it feels like it, but it is not. all right. that was pepto-bismol right there. i'm so sorry, but it works. it works. all right, contestant number
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two -- hey, that's one down. you don't have to -- you got to be happy about that. >> i like that. i'm going to go with number 6. >> jimmy: number 6. i'm talking about beth. ♪ beth >> jimmy: beth, give him that $100, please. no! [ audience ohs ] [ sad tuba ] ay-caramba. almost was there. i thought for a second. i saw green coming out, but it was brown chocolate syrup instead. so sorry. all right, here we go. contestant number one, you smell fantastic. >> my stomach feels good. >> jimmy: audience, what do you say? we gonna help him out? [ audience yelling ] listen to the audience. >> i'll go with 5. >> jimmy: 5. we're talking about laura. ♪ laura >> jimmy: this one actually does seem light, laura. give him that $100. oh.
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[ laughter ] [ sad tuba ] sorry, that is -- that is -- that is -- he looks like pigpen in real life. [ coughing ] it is crushed candy hearts. that was not $100 -- don't breathe in. if you can hold your breath. crushed candy -- crushed candy hearts. so sorry about that. unbelievable. all right. what are you thinking, my friend? >> i got to go 11. >> jimmy: you've got to go number 11. that is roberta! ♪ roberta >> jimmy: nice to see you, roberta. roberta, give him that $100, will you. and you get it! [ cheers and applause ] right there! ♪ congratulations, you won $100! congratulations. that's all yours. that giant check is yours.
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you're a winner. you're a champ. [ cheers ] just turn around for a second, just turn around and just show the camera. just turn around. there you go. [ audience ohs ] there you go. whoa, whoa, whoa. people are going to start thinking al roker is on the show. hey, you guys, no one goes home empty-handed here at "late night," so you get this "late night with jimmy fallon" bucket hat. ♪ you got that bucket hat you got that bucket everybody rocking that bucket hat ♪ [ rapping ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, thanks to these guys for playing. thanks for our beautiful models. we'll be right back with bruce willis, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. [ male announcer ] it's a whole new februany at subway! enjoy favorites like the turkey breast as $5 footlongs. and hearty subs like the steak & cheese as $6 footlong specials. subway. eat fresh. [ all kids ] twooooo! [ moderator ] you sure? i am absolutely positive!
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[ little boy ] two times is awesome. the thing i can do is wave my head and wave my... that's amazing. i've never seen anything like that. look i can do -- hold on -- i'm watching this. i'm getting dizzy... [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. doing two things at once is better. and only at&t's network lets you talk and surf on your iphone 5. ♪ lets you talk and surf on your iphone 5. hers hey' ♪ 's is more thantalk and surf on your iphone 5. hers chocolate. it's an invitation. to stop and savor. when the chocolate is hershey's. life is delicious. did you just turn your ringer off so no one would interrupt oh no, i... just used my geico app to get a tow truck. it's gonna be 30 minutes. oh, so that means that we won't be stuck up here, for hours, with nothing to do. oh i get it, you wanna pass the time, huh.
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(holds up phone) fruit ninja!!! emergency roadside assistance. just a click away with the geico mobile app.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is one of the biggest movie stars in the world, and starting today, he's back in theaters everywhere as john mcclane in "a good day to die hard." ladies and gentlemen, please welcome bruce willis! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's the guy. bruce willis, right here. welcome to our show. thank you for coming on. >> very nice. the show is going -- >> jimmy: thank you, my friend.
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happy valentine's day to you. >> happy valentine's day. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. are you celebrating valentine's day tonight? >> yes. >> jimmy: you are? >> yeah. celebrated just before the show today. >> jimmy: oh, yeah? >> got some flowers for mabel, my little daughter. flowers for mrs. willis. >> jimmy: that is beautiful. >> pretty nice roses. what do you think? >> jimmy: romantic guy. very good. yeah. yeah, very good. >> do you celebrate. >> jimmy: i didn't really celebrate. my wife has the flu. [ audience aws ] so she's currently -- yeah. not a good scene at my house right now. [ laughter ] it's not romantic at all, but maybe we'll go see a movie. we'll go see "a good day to die hard." that's a good movie to check out. >> you bet. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm psyched. everyone's going nuts for this. i saw the trailer, and everyone went bonkers for the trailer so i'm excited to see the film. we had your buddy john goodman here earlier in the week. what a great guy that guy is. >> oh, he's so nice. >> jimmy: and he said --
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>> what'd he say? [ as john goodman ] >> jimmy: -- "bruce willis is one of the best." i don't really do a john goodman. i'm working on it. he's one of the best bartenders ever in new york city. so you started here in new york in hell's kitchen? >> i did. well, i lived in hell's kitchen. i worked up on 75th street at a bar there. i think johnny may have been referring to the fact that we didn't really charge him. >> jimmy: wait, so john goodman did not pay for a drink? >> not a dime. >> jimmy: does john goodman owe you money? >> no, not me. [ laughter ] no, he owes the -- the management some money. >> jimmy: he does, yeah. but he said that you were like the coolest bartender and that people would travel and find you because you were so good and you used to flip bottles in the air like "cocktail." >> well, wasn't that tom cruise? >> jimmy: it was tom cruise in the movie. >> i dropped some bottles. >> jimmy: what's the trick of being a good bartender?
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do you think you were a good bartender? >> don't charge anyone really. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's the secret, of course. duh. [ cheers and applause ] >> now, some of your audience -- >> jimmy: of course. yeah. are you still playing music? >> yes. i get to play, yes. >> jimmy: you had a band. you were touring with the band. >> the accelerators. >> jimmy: yeah, that's right, the accelerators. they were great. >> good, good. not playing with those guys. they are out on the road right now. >> jimmy: no. >> but i get to play from time to time with the allman brothers. >> jimmy: you get on stage with the allman brothers? >> i do. play a little -- >> jimmy: do you really? [ talking over each other ] >> jimmy: do you jam out with them? people must go crazy. >> i go crazy. it's very nice to be able to -- >> jimmy: is that one of your favorite bands? >> yeah, it is. >> jimmy: you were telling me backstage at that bar that used to be a hangout -- like springsteen would hang out there. the other bands, like the allman brothers, did you meet them back there? >> everybody is over there. at the beacon theater?
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>> jimmy: oh, no, the beacon. that's the allman brothers. i was talking about cafe -- >> cafe central. >> jimmy: yeah, cafe -- no. >> cher. cher was around. >> jimmy: did you ever jam with cher. >> i did. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, that's always fun to just jam out. you did? >> no. >> jimmy: no. >> she is a hell of a singer. >> jimmy: yeah, no. she is a hell of a singer, absolutely. so, bruce, i was looking at your thing. i was looking at all of the stuff you've been in. you've been in over 70 movies. >> come on. >> jimmy: is that insane? >> how can anybody -- >> jimmy: 70 movies. [ cheers and applause ] does that number seem big to you? >> seems a little exaggerated. >> jimmy: no, it's actually true. i did all the research, and i would say if -- i've been in like three movies. since they told me to stop. please, stop. do you ever flip through the channels and i don't even remember remotely doing that movie. just this last year, i saw you
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do "moonrise kingdom" and then "looper." >> "looper." >> jimmy: two totally different types of movies. both amazing, both fun. [ applause ] but did you ever think you would do 70 movies? >> no, sometimes i would just work a little bit at a time, just a few days here and there, but not 70 complete movies, not 70 full movies. >> jimmy: when you were here in new york -- 70 full movies, little things here and there. yeah, i mean, did you ever go "my career is going to go so well, i'm going to be in over 70 movies?" no. >> no. i didn't think that. >> jimmy: did you think tv was going to be your thing? >> i thought i was going to have a career in tv. >> jimmy: yeah. that's what i was going to -- "moonlighting." of course, we all loved "moonlighting." [ cheers and applause ] that was the jam. that was the move. comedy on tv, and then you get the call to do "die hard." is that true? >> i did. i did -- well, you know, cybill shepherd had a lot to do with that.
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>> jimmy: oh, really? >> cybill shepherd had a lot to do with that. she got pregnant and i got a break from the tv show for 11 weeks, and i got to do "die hard." so "a good day to die hard" is out today. that's a title, right there. >> it's a good title. it's a complicated title. this is a giant, fun action movie. they only gave me some clips of it, because they wouldn't allow me to see it because i'm underage. [ laughter ] i saw some clips. there's an action -- there's a the car chase. >> car chase. >> jimmy: that i don't think i've ever seen before. because you're kind of car chasing, and i don't want to give away a spoiler, but you're car chasing over cars, just driving over cars. >> just driving over cars. you know, you'll see it, and you'll go "oh." >> jimmy: that makes sense. >> chasing my son. >> jimmy: in the movie. >> my son is a criminal, and he's -- he's in europe. he's in moscow, and i go to see how he's doing. >> jimmy: not doing good. >> not doing good. >> jimmy: he's a wise guy. yeah. he's a wise guy in this film.
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but if you lost action, love john mcclane, he's back. here's a clip. bruce willis, "a good day to die hard." take a look at this. ♪ [ commotion ] >> hey, hey, hey! ow. [ speaking russian ] >> what? [ speaking russian ] >> do you think i understand a word you're saying? >> please. >> it's okay. i'm fine, thanks. [ tires screeching ] ♪ >> get out of the way! ♪ >> jesus. [ scream ] sorry, ma'am.
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oh, man. knock, knock. >> jimmy: he is a rock star! [ cheers and applause ] bruce willis, "a good day to die hard" is in theaters everywhere today. molly shannon joins us next. come on back, folks. ♪ [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. thank you so much for watching. our next guest is a very funny and talented actress who's currently guest starring in the hit hbo series "enlightened," which airs sundays at 9:30 p.m. please welcome back to the show, my friend molly shannon! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: hi. you look gorgeous, as always. >> thank you, jimmy. i'm so happy to be here.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show, pal. i have to ask you so many questions. >> okay, okay. what? >> jimmy: all right 'cause i'm sitting -- i'm watching the golden globes. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and jodie foster, who's one of my favorites of all time. >> oh, my gosh, she's a legend. an icon. >> jimmy: she gets up, and she goes, "i'm 50, 50 years old." and i go, "she just did molly?" and it was so -- >> i know. >> jimmy: how cool -- do you know her? >> i was so excited. no, i don't know her. i've never met her before, but i was -- i was just sitting at home watching the awards having so much fun, but i started getting all these texts. you know what, i was actually putting my kid to bed so i tivo'd it, but i start getting texts and i was like, "oh, my gosh." so i was so excited. it's such an honor, you know? >> jimmy: that's cool. she just like put it in her speech. >> i know. >> jimmy: and i was -- it was just the most exciting thing. i was so happy. >> yeah, i was so excited. it's so cool. it made me feel like part of the show. you know? i was "aww." >> jimmy: yeah, you were part of the show. >> aww. >> jimmy: how is the family. how are they doing? >> they are so good, jimmy. thanks for asking. >> jimmy: are they cute kids? >> yeah, they're -- stella is -- my daughter is 9 now and my son's 7. they're actually home with my husband, nolan has strep throat. >> jimmy: ay-yay-ay. >> so fritz was like, "happy valentine's day."
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>> jimmy: that's insane, yeah. >> i fly back tomorrow. but the kids are -- the kids are really good. we're just happy. >> jimmy: is it fun being back here at 30 rock? >> it's so fun. i love it. >> jimmy: where you spent the years at "saturday night live." where i first met you. >> i know, i miss it. and i -- remember the game we used to play where we would stare at one another -- like i would stare at you, and then you would turn -- i would stare at you then -- as soon as you would look at me, i would turn away and pretend like i wasn't looking at you. do you remember that? >> jimmy: wait, wait -- >> okay. do you remember? >> jimmy: i do remember this -- >> i would be staring -- it's a weird game where i would stare at you, and you might not be knowing i was looking at you, and then as soon as you would see me i would turn away and pretend like i wasn't looking. we would do it all the time to make one another laugh. and then, once i saw you on the street on like 6th avenue -- your were bopping your head, you know -- walkman on. >> jimmy: that's how i walked back then. >> yeah. [ laughter ] but so, i did it to you on the street, and i got really close to you, and then i turned my head and pretended --
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>> jimmy: yeah i remember that! -- i was like, "oh, my gosh." that was the best move ever because it's an odd game, but it's so fun. if you see your buddy, you're just like -- just stare at them and just see -- and once they look at you just look away like you weren't looking. oh, it's so -- i remember that, i always thought -- i mean, store was always a fun game too. i remember playing store. >> oh, yes, store. oh, yes, store. you remember that? >> jimmy: well, i thought -- everyone thinks we always play these funny crazy -- i mean, we used to laugh so hard, we'd just cry. basically it's like sleepovers up there in 30 rock, in the offices. we'd write sketches, and then you'd go into someone else's office, next thing you know it's 4:00 in the morning. >> i know. >> jimmy: and you just get giddy and you just start making up games. and we had a game where you had to come into the office -- >> yes. >> jimmy: in someone's office and so, whether it was your office, or paula's, or um -- will's or someone's. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: and you had to just buy stuff at a fake store. >> yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the only thing was, you couldn't laugh. >> no, it had to be very real, like -- like, if it was a pen, you were buying a pen you'd be like, "hold on, let me just get a price check on that." and you'd have to do it in a
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very natural way. remember that? >> jimmy: i had the hardest time playing this game. >> and then you'd have to like type it up and be like, okay, that'll be 50 cents." and we'd go through the whole transaction. >> jimmy: yeah, and then i'd -- and then i'd pull out money and then you'd give me change. i'm the worst to play this game, because i laugh at everything. i'm just like -- like, oh, my gosh. i kept ruining every bit. >> oh, my -- it can t came from when i was little, my friend ann -- and i would go to the stores and i used to love when the checkout ladies -- if they really calm and like really feminine. like, "let me just get a check on that." and they'd type it up. it would put me in the most relaxed state. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: like a trance. >> and i'd be, "like don't talk to me, don't talk to me." i would just get like in a trance watching them. and then like, if they had long nails, like, "hold on, let me just type that code in." >> jimmy: really take their time with it. but it led to, like -- i think a lot of your fun characters, like the weirder characters, where it was like dog show. >> ooh. >> jimmy: gosh, you never broke in that one. and boy, that was a odd sketch. >> that's so sweet. >> jimmy: it was so fun where -- it was rocky balboa -- you and will hosted this talk show called "dog show." >> "dog show," yeah, yeah.
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that was so fun. >> jimmy: and then just so many -- gosh. so many fun -- >> and you know the character -- i did this character, a really bad stand-up comic named jeanie darcy. and i solely created the character to make jimmy laugh. and all that matters was that jimmy would laugh. i performed it -- because the first time i did it, people -- the first time i did it on the show people didn't know what to make of it because it was very bad stand-up comic. >> jimmy: it was a bad stand-up comic from the '80s. >> yeah, from the '80s who was kind of out of touch with herself sexually and just kind of doing jokes -- material that wasn't right. but, the audience was like, "huh?" they didn't really get it. but jimmy, you would laugh. and so i did it just for you. >> jimmy: i would be crying laughing, because i wasn't on camera, like it would be "weekend update" or something. here she is, i found this talent, i met her in my lobby of building and she's one of the funniest comedienne's. we're going to give her debut tonight, here's jeanie darcy. and then you would come out and tell these jokes that just bombed. i don't know why, but it would just make me laugh so hard i'd be like crying. literally crying because it really made me laugh so hard. do people come up and stop you all the time and say like, "oh my gosh," you know "super star"?
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>> i do. i get that -- i do get that a lot. as a matter of fact, my kids have never seen "superstar" because they're still little, and i took their friends, they're twin girls, their best friends chelle and sophia to the grove to go shopping, and, you know, people were coming up to me, and doing stuff, and then when chelle and sophia went home to their mom, they go, you know, i feel so bad for molly because -- they didn't understand why, but they go "but everybody comes up to her and just goes like this." [ laughter ] they go, "we just feel so bad for her." [ applause ] >> jimmy: that is the best, man. >> so, yeah. >> so my kids are like, "what is going on?" they think its so weird. >> jimmy: i love that. >> then i remember i was dating somebody -- i remember years ago in new york city and i was dating somebody, and we were eating breakfast and he got so sick of it. but i remember like sitting there eating and somebody came right up to the window and was just like, "super star!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're trying to eat your lunch. >> my boyfriend at the time just like looked, and then just continued eating. >> jimmy: what is going on? >> just sick of it. >> jimmy: was that your friend you always tried to make laugh, did you say her name?
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>> my friend, debby palermo. >> jimmy: that's who you always try to make laugh. >> i did "superstar" to make her laugh. that came from her. we'd just always be -- say stuff like, "i want to be a super star." so, i threw into the of the sketch just to make her laugh. >> jimmy: and there -- it just took off from there. >> and we're still great friends. >> jimmy: gosh, i'm just so happy with your career and everything, your family, they're the raddest. and you put out a children's book. >> a kids book, yeah. >> jimmy: come on, this is what -- >> thank you. >> jimmy: this is why you -- how fun is this? [ cheers and applause ] >> aww, you're sweet, jimmy. >> jimmy: this is why you do it, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: this is the perks. you get to do this, i mean, how many kids love this? "tilly the trickster." >> it's so cute. it's about a little girl who plays tricks on her family and friends, and my kids are so proud of me that i wrote a book. they're like, "i want to write a book." you know, it's like, cool. >> jimmy: that's what i'm saying. it's nothing that to make kids laugh. i mean, it's one thing to make adults laugh and when kids -- i mean, every halloween, someone's going to be you. >> you're so good with kids. >> jimmy: oh, i love -- this is my reading, this is my reading age right here. [ laughter ] so, i'm halfway through. but i -- were you a trickster growing up?
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>> i was a trickster. as a matter of fact, right after my mom died, we -- my mom died when i was 4, and we had to go live with my aunt while my dad was recuperating, and i was kind of depressed. not a happy story for the show, but anyhow, i was waiting for the bus, and i remember these kids were waiting, and i just made up a story. i said, "oh, the bus already came." i was like 4 1/2, and they were all like dopey kids and they were all like, "okay." so they started walking home, and then the bus came, and i got it all by myself, and i was like -- i was so delighted, and then we -- we drove by them, and i just waved like, "hi." [ laughter and applause ] i just had so much pleasure that i could like boss them around. >> jimmy: i love that. just waving, that's your trick, man. how cute is that. "tilly the trickster." and so, now you're guest starring on -- >> yes. >> jimmy: i mean, this is good, "enlightened." we've had laura dern on the show. she's amazing on the show. it's a really good show.
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written by -- >> mike white created the show. he is brilliant, he's a dear friend. i think it's one the best shows on tv. i'm so proud to be a part of it. he wrote me a great part. i love it, and i'm just so proud of mike. >> jimmy: did you see mike and his dad on "amazing race?" >> yes! he was fantastic. >> jimmy: unbelievable screenwriter. he wrote "school of rock." >> yes, "school of rock." >> jimmy: that's probably the most famous one. >> "nacho libre." >> jimmy: "nacho libre." >> "year of the dog." >> jimmy: so anyways, i'm watching "the amazing race" and he's on with his dad. >> i know, he had the best time. >> jimmy: he made me cry. >> he did, i kw. >> jimmy: yeah, he's telling his dad, he's like, you know what, i'm just going to stick with my dad. he was so nice to his dad. i'm like what a good man. so then when this show came out, i'm going to love it. i know i'm going to love it, and now you're on the show. >> i know and it's such -- this particular season is so plot-driven, and it's very sweet, and i -- i just feel so proud of it. i'm so happy to promote it because it's just -- it's a wonderful show, and i feel so lucky as an actress to be on it. >> jimmy: and you play an assistant on the show. >> yeah, i'm an assistant. i'm a prim secretary and --
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>> jimmy: have you ever been -- >> a secretary? >> jimmy: yeah. >> before i -- when i was a struggling actress, i worked at big agencies like caa and icn, worked for agents. i was a temp, and i remember once they asked me, i worked for this big agent. i won't say his name. let's pretend his name is tom thompson, and they were like -- he's was like a big agent there. and they were like, "do you know how to roll calls?" and i was like, "yeah, sure i can roll calls." >> jimmy: what is roll call? >> it's like where you have to -- basically he comes back after lunch, and he returns calls to all these celebrities but he's only -- he has like a list of 100 calls to return, so he only talked to people for like 30 seconds. so, you basically have like six people on the line, waiting. and while he returns the call, he bounces the basketball like "hey! robert downey, how you doing, man?" and he's like this, so you have five more waiting, so he hangs up rolls to the next one, rolls to the next one, rolls to the next one and i could not keep up, you know? >> jimmy: yeah. >> and he physically pulled me out of the office like, "get out!" and like pulled another girl in to roll calls. it was crazy. >> jimmy: he rolled you out of the room. >> he rolled me out. >> jimmy: not a good assistant. >> but it was fascinating just
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the way it works, the agencies. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and how they -- he would just only speak for 30 seconds and then go to the next call. >> jimmy: and you wanted to be an actor at that time? >> i did. i kind of felt like a private investigator, because i didn't know anything about hollywood, and it was interesting to learn, like about movies, and so i was like -- i really learned a lot. >> jimmy: undercover agent. >> i worked for julia roberts agent too. >> jimmy: oh really? >> yeah, she was really nice. and i remember -- you know, it was interesting. it was like a learning experience. >> jimmy: how fun is that? see, well, i love having you on the show and i want to show you a clip of the great molly shannon in "enlightened" on hbo. take a look at this. >> when was your last relationship, if you don't mind my asking? sometimes i'm kind of blunt. >> i was with this woman who works at albadon. her name's julie. >> was it a hard breakup? >> it turns out she didn't even think we were in a relationship so -- yeah. >> i know what that's like. my boss is a very charismatic man and he is very charming, but
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i think for a lot of years it was like i was in a relationship with him, not sexual, but in my mind, and i felt like when i was dating someone i was cheating on my boss. >> jimmy: molly shannon, "enlightened" airs sundays at 9:30 p.m. on hbo, and "tilly the trickster" is in stores now. we love you so much, molly shannon. trinidad james performs next. come on back, everybody. ♪ [ gwen ] i used to sleep on the tour bus between shows. but that doesn't happen much anymore. the creative process never stops. and songwriting is so hard, but i love it. these days, i guess i just don't want to miss a thing. [ laughs ] i miss you guys. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now get a windows phone 8x by htc
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is burning up the charts with his single "all gold everything," from his mixtape "don't be s.a.f.e.," which is available on itunes now and in stores next tuesday. he's making his tv debut with us tonight. make him feel welcome! please welcome trinidad james! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah i said ♪
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♪ gold all in my chain gold all in my ring gold all in my watch ♪ ♪ don't believe me jus' watch don't believe me jus' watch ♪ ♪ don't believe me jus' watch don't believe me jus' watch ♪ ♪ don't believe me jus' watch gold all in my chain gold all in my ring ♪ ♪ gold all in my watch don't believe me jus' watch ♪ ♪ this ain't for no lame' if you a real real then mess wit' me this one for the hood ♪ ♪ them hipster girls that shop at lennox dark skin light skin ♪ ♪ asian and white women hypebeast we know aboutchea' ♪ ♪ don't buy shoes unless they popular for the girls, my voice poppin' poppin' ♪ ♪ that magic city got the strong, my voice then come match that strong wit' me ♪ ♪ smoking mid, my voice then don't pass that mid to me this one's for ♪
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♪ and lators bout' that money cashout ♪ ♪ gotta love chesire bridge them bad girls at onyx i don't mess wit' no snitches so ♪ ♪ don't tell me who tellin ♪ this one for them colleges them bad girls at spellman shout out to them freshman ♪ ♪ on instagram straight flexin' popped a molly i'm sweatin' ♪ ♪ woo popped a molly i'm sweatin' woo ♪ ♪ momma always told me boy count yo' blessings in god i trust ♪ ♪ so i kept countin' them franklins i'm too fly, you know this ♪ ♪ lemme' give yo' tail checklist ♪ ♪ one gold watch two gold chains six gold rings it's nothin' ♪ ♪ og jordans them high socks no shirt on, i'm stuntin' okay ♪ ♪ and this song for anybody that's hatin' on you this summer this summer ♪ ♪ talk behind your back but won't say it in public ♪ ♪ gold all in my chain gold all in my ring
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gold all in my watch ♪ ♪ don't believe me jus' watch don't believe me jus' watch ♪ ♪ don't believe me jus' watch don't believe me jus' watch ♪ ♪ don't believe me jus' watch gold all in my chain gold all in my ring ♪ ♪ gold all in my watch don't believe me jus' watch ♪ ♪ don't believe me jus' watch ♪ ♪ don't believe me jus' watch ♪ ♪ don't believe me jus' watch ♪ ♪ don't believe me jus' watch ♪ ♪ i popped a molly i am sweating ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: trinidad james! look for his mixtape, "don't be s.a.f.e." we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to bruce willis, molly shannon! [ cheers and applause ] trinidad james. and the greatest band in late night, the roots, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for carson daly. thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. happy valentine's day. [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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